Greetings readers!
You might have noticed that this is coming out on Monday instead of the usual Friday. I’m thinking of changing this up to a permanent change. I could change it back. I dunno. What do you think? Mostly I’m doing this so that I can have most of the day Friday to peruse new music but also I just think it is a good way to start off Mondays with a little nonsense.
Here are some of the new releases that came out last week that I found interesting enough to mention:
Psychotic Reaction - Dystopian Anthems for Lotus Eaters
Quiet Houses - New Obsession
King Thief - King Thief
The Linda Lindas - No Obligation
The Cheap Cassettes - They’ll Never Forgive You For Pop
Touche Amore - Spiral In a Straight Line
In other music news, I attended a concert last night in Tulsa. It was The Menzingers. Technically, it was them and The Wonder Years but I had no desire to see the Wonder Years so when The Menzingers were done with their performance I left. Here are some pics that I took from the show.
Speaking of concerts, I’m thinking of compiling a list of my favorite music venues. What are yours? I will probably post that list next week so there’s something to look forward to. LOL.
Here are the comics from last week’s comic book pull list:
Exceptional X-Men #2
Star Wars: Ewoks #1
Sentinels #1
Star Wars: Ahoska #4
Absolute Batman #1
Regarding Absolute Batman (FoTF review?)
And here are some other comic book reads from last week:
Grim Vol. 2: Devils and Dust by Stephanie Phillips
Grim Vol. 3: Lust for Life by Stephanie Phillips
The Butcher of Paris by Stephanie Phillips
Fell Vol. 1: Feral City by Warren Ellis
W0rldtr33 Vol. 1 by James Tynion IV
Deadly Class Vol. 2: KIds of the Black Hole by Rick Remender
I’m also still working on the audiobook Star Wars: Most Wanted by Rae Carson.
Joker: Folie a Deux - I had sort of been looking forward to this. I liked the first one and I was interested in seeing this movie’s interpretation of Harley Quinn (played by Lady Gaga). I wasn’t terribly impressed with the movie overall. The acting by the lead characters was really the only good thing about it in my opinion.
My Hero Academia: You’re Next - My youngest talked me into taking them to go see this because they are a huge fan of the franchise. It was fine but I had to ask a lot of questions because I don’t really know much about MHA. I don’t dislike anime per se. It’s just not a fandom that I really got into generally speaking. I would say that if you are a fan of MHQ then it is worth going to see. The studio didn’t promote this very well (if at all). The only reason I found out about it is that I was looking at my AMC app and came across it and showed it to the kid because I know that they like MHA.
The Blackhawks started out their new season on Tuesday with a loss to the Utah Hockey Club. They also lost on Friday to the Jets. However, they did win Saturday against the Oilers. Not a good start to a fresh new year. I hope they pick things up this year. After the abysmal White Sox season, Chicago needs a team to do well in their sport.
In other sports ball news, Liverpool FC is still on top of the EPL standings and to nobody’s surprise, the White Sox did NOT make the MLB playoffs. Oh well. Maybe next year.
On last week’s episode of Rebel Rock Radio, we continued our retrosepctive of Star Wars Rebels and were joined by Ro of the Scarif Scuttlebutt podcast. In addition to talking about Star Wars Rebels, we talked about Halloween candy and played tunes from Sister Thieves, Weegee, and Qlowski.
Dave dropped another episode of One Band 5 Songs. He covered the music of Boston’s Buffalo Tom.
For this week’s track of the week, I am posting a song from the aforementioned band The Menzingers. This is a favorite of mine. Enjoy.
That’s it for this week kids. Have a great weekend and remember to be more kind!