Hello again readers and welcome to another Monday.
This week’s edition is going to be pretty short. I don’t have much to really talk about. I’m still unemployed. I am looking for work but haven’t had much luck. To be fair, it’s only been a little over a week. But anyway, it’s going to be a really short update this week.
On the bright side, my daughter and son-in-law were in town this past weekend with the grandkids.
If you are new to reading this, I have 2 pieces of advice for you. First, keep in mind that a lot of the stuff I write on here is updates from random social media posts over the week. And two, I suggest going back and reading other issues because this one is not going to be very interesting considering I really don’t have much to talk about this week. Hopefully next week’s issue will be more entertaining.
Here are the new releases that caught my ear last week:
Mugger - Luck Forever
American Thrills - Milestone
Fightmilk - No Souvenirs
Last week’s comic book pull list was solid. A couple of issue #1s.
Psylocke #1
Uncanny X-Men #5
Absolute Batman #2 - So good!
Batman and Robin #15
G.I. Joe #1
I decided to put my re-read of Knightfall on hold for a while. My head is not in the right place to try and absorb a task so colossal.
Thunderbolts Vol. 1: No Quarter by Daniel Way and Steve Dillon
Nightwing Vol. 1: Leaping Into the Light by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Nightwing Vol. 2: Get Grayson by Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Last week on Rebel Rock Radio we celebrated the 5th year anniversary of the premiere of The Mandalorian and discussed some minor format changes to the show.
Also, the newest episode of The Batcave was dropped on the YouTube channel. This week, Blue and I talked about the comic Batman: Year One by Frank Miller. We also added a couple of new segments to the show. We added a Batman news segment and a game called Batman Character Roulette. You’ll have to check it out for it to make sense.
The guys over at Punk Lotto Pod dropped an episode about Nine Patriotic Hymns for Children, the 1991 debut album from Born Against.
I’ve got a pretty random track of the week this time around. It’s not from a new release and it’s not something that I’ve been listening to a lot lately. At least not according to Last.fm. This week’s track comes from the 2014 album Souvenir by Banner Pilot.
That’s it for this week. Have a great week and remember to Be More Kind!