Greetings loyal readers! And I guess greetings to the not so loyal readers too.
Is it just me or is everybody else wondering why online ticket fees are so ridiculous? Ticket prices for “bigger” concerts are already too high as it is. In most cases, you tend to be AT LEAST $40 for a concert. But tack on the astronomical online ticket fees, and your cost could go up as high as $80. That is absurd! There is no reason that a company should be charging more than the cost of the ticket for their feeds. RIDICULOUS! Well, I guess that’s capitalism for you.
Here are some new releases that came out last week that I liked and wanted to draw to your attention:
The Lookout - I Know the Future
The Copyrights - New Ghosts
Japandroids - Fate & Alcohol
The Dopamines - 80/20
The Implants - Annihilation
The Penske File - Acid Rain
Here is last week’s comic book pull list:
Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising #2
Uncanny X-Men #4
Wolverine #2
Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #1
And here is a list of other comic book reads:
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War by Chip Zdarsky, Tini Howard, and Matthew Rosenberg
Superman For All Seasons by Jeph Loeb
Batman Vol. 2: The Bat-Man of Gotham by Chip Zdarsky
Batman Vol. 3: The Joker Year One by Chip Zdarsky
Batman and Son by Grant Morrison
As you might be able to ascertain, I am trying to get caught up on my Batman reading. On the subject of said Batman reading, I have to say that I am enjoying Chip Zdarsky’s run of Batman. Then again, I enjoy almost all of what I have read of his work. Also, in regards to Batman reading, I’m about to embark in a quite large undertaking. I’ll talk about that more next week as I’ve gotten a little further into that adventure.
Thursday, I attended the monthly comic book discussion at Speeding Bullet Comics (hosted by the Pioneer Library System). We talked about the 1998 Superman book Superman For All Seasons by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. It was a good discussion. Everybody stayed engaged and had some good takes and opinions on the book and on the Superman character in general. The photo of (some of) the group that attended was taken by Matt who is one of the owners of Speeding Bullet.
Outside of comic books, I finished the Star Wars Most Wanted book. For my next audiobook I am jumping back into Star Wars Legends (EU) with the book Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn. You would think that as big a fan of the EU/Legends that I am, I would have already read this but, strangely enough, I have only read the comic book adaptation of it.
I didn’t watch any movies at the theater this week. There wasn’t really anything that came out that I wanted to see. The next movie hitting theaters that I will want to see is the new Venom movie which is supposed to come out later this month. Come to think of it, I didn’t watch any movies on streaming this week either. The only thing I watched this week (other than Rebels) was the most recent episode of The Penguin on HBO Max.
I haven’t played much this past week. I played a little Starfield. I played a little Arkham Asylum. I had forgotten how much I like that game. Arkham Asylum that is. Honestly, I really like the entire Arkham game series. I even liked the Origins one that wasn’t done by Rocksteady. That’s a good game series. Then again, I think being a fan of the Batman character helps with the enjoyment of the game.
As far as gaming goes, that’s about it. I’ve been spending most of my “free” time either reading comic books or watching Star Wars Rebels.
We didn’t have a gaming session of the Star Wars RPG this week. Not everybody’s schedule was aligning for it. I think we might be playing this upcoming Thursday but I’m not 100% sure.
On last week’s episode of Rebel Rock Radio we were joined by Becca of the Tarkin’s Top Shelf podcast. We continued our retrospective of Star Wars Rebels with a discussion about season 3 and we played tunes from Whatever, Healthy Junkies, and The Jukebox Romantics.
Also in Rebel Rock Radio news, we started a new series called The Batcave. If it is not blatantly obvious, on this series, we will be talking about all things related to Batman. This will start out as patron only early access episodes but will eventually show up on our YouTube channel although I have not decided how long it will be until I put them on the channel. For now, if you want to view/listen to them, you’ll just have to sign up for our Patreon. You really should. It’s only $2/month. Certainly you can afford that! Anyway, here is a link to the first episode.
This week’s track of the week comes from the new Japandroids album. Enjoy.
That’s it for this week. Have a great week!